Let's Get Intentional!


How many times have you set New Year's Resolutions, only to lose steam by February?  Whether it's a better study routine, exercise regimen or improving your mindset, there's a reason you fall short and it's not because you lose focus.

Instead of concentrating on only goals, we need to be focusing on intentions - on the process that will get us to our end result.  And, creating a vision board is a perfect way to envision the life you want for 2023.


Visualization is Powerful

There's nothing more powerful than visualization to motivate a change in behavior.

Focus on One Word
Day #1 will focus on setting a word for the year. Choosing a word helps clarify your core values and determine your priorities.

Draw Inspiration
On this third day, you'll turn your thoughts into images. I'll share a Canva template with you (sized so it can be the wallpaper for your phone). This how your vision board will help you manifest - when you see it daily and engage with it continuously.

Set Intentions
I'm a firm believer in setting intentions. They allow us to live our values in a powerful way to achieve success though purpose and inspiration. These intentions will be the central theme for your Vision Board on Day #2, so that you're not solely focused on the end point.


Nothing creates accountability like sharing your dreams, intentions and goals. Whether you share it with me or with your close friends - make sure to announce your intentions!

A Note from Dr.Rupa Wong

I used to believe this stuff was woo-woo, I'm not going to lie. I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person. I'm a surgeon through and through. But through the process of medical school, residency, fellowship and starting my own practice, I actually learned the value of setting intentions to accomplish my end goals.  And that shift has been pivotal to my success today.


Almost there!

Enter your name and best e-mail address to join the 3 Day Vision Board Journey. You'll get your first email on January 6.