Why Did I Start Attending Lounge?
Because I think mentors are so important. And, I especially think young women need to see that it is possible to be female. a doctor, and a mother. That it is possible to harmonize work and life.
When I was in medical school, I never knew if my female surgeon mentor was married or had kids. These were discussions that women surgeons never discussed. As if pulling back the curtain for how they manage their daily lives would somehow lessen their accomplishment. I was too scared to ask my attending these important questions.
I think social media breaks down these barriers. Creating a virtual attending lounge where I invite my favorite bad ass female physicians to dispense their wisdom is one way to share our knowledge.
But, I wanted to create more than just a virtual forum - I wanted to create a safe space for women to learn much needed skills but in easily digestible chunks. Nothing too overwhelming. Nothing that will take away precious time from studying. But, something you enjoy doing to invest in yourself. And to share that journey with your tribe.

Module 1: Envision
In this module, you will get clear on your path and face uncertainty head on. Your dream is to become an attending physician, but you're not sure about the path. We'll get there together.
Inside of this module, I will walk you through:
-Identifying your core values
-Using SMART goals to create a 10 year plan
-Crafting a powerful personal statement

Module 2: Expand
In Module 2, you will learn how to utilize a growth mindset in both your professional/academic and personal life. I'll share with you how you can use failure to your advantage instead of as a deterrent to future success.
I will walk you through:
- Switching from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset to maximize academic & professional success
-Understanding the kind of learner you are and how to create effective habits (including financial ones)
-Synethesizing your values and goals to achieve work-life harmony
Module 3: Empower
This module is all about confidence and self-advocacy and how to tackle and overcome your own limiting beliefs and Impostor Syndrome.
In this module, I'll teach you how to
-Identify how your limiting beliefs are holding you back
-Gain the confidence to advocate for yourself in the hospital and classroom
-Network and interview with conviction

Module 4: Excel
You've got all the foundational blocks now, module 4 is about decisiveness and negotiation.
Here, I'll guide you to:
-Effectively make essential decisions
-Decisively handle conflict in the classroom/hospital
-Negotiate a better employment contract
-Recognize situations which cause you to apologize and employ alternative verbiage and strategies
Module 5: Embark
Your dream life as an attending physician is in sight. It's so close you can taste it, but how do you integrate work and life?
Here I'll show you how to:
-Work and think critically and efficiently, circling back to your core values
-Say no
-Prioritize personal relationships and most importantly yourself

Gain Clarity. Confidence. Mentorship. Community.
This journey doesn't need to be isolating. And all for the cost of a latte a week.
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